In honor of Michael Waterman’s 80th birthday, 40 years of Computational Biology,
and the new Quantitative and Computational Biology department!
May 19th – 21st, 2022
Thursday, May 19th, 2022
8:00-9:00 - Conference Registration and Breakfast
9:00-9:05 - Welcome
Remo Rohs, QCB Department Chair
9:05-9:10 - Greeting
Jan Amend, Divisional Dean for Life Sciences, Dornsife College
9:19-9:15 - Greeting
Yannis Yortsos, Dean, Viterbi School of Engineering
9:15-9:25 - Opening Remarks
Andrew Viterbi, USC Life Trustee
9:25-9:30 - Recorded Greeting
Amber Miller, Dean, Dornsife College
9:30-12:30 - Session 1: Structure in Computational Biology
9:30-10:10 - Keynote: Structure-based proteome wide prediction of protein-protein and protein-compound interactions
Barry Honig, Columbia University (on Zoom)
10:10-10:35 - Digitally detangling the 3D genome
Geoffrey Fudenberg, USC
10:35-10:55 - Coffee Break
10:55-11:20 - Annotating human and mouse candidate cis-regulatory elements in the ENCODE Project
Zhiping Weng, UMass Medical School
11:20-11:45 - Towards reconstructing peta-scale microscopy datasets
Stephan Preibisch, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
11:45-12:10 - Unraveling the mechanistic basis of the CRISPR-Cas revolution through computational methods
Giulia Palermo, UC Riverside
12:10-12:30 - Group photo
12:30-14:00 - Lunch break
14:00–17:05 - Session 2: Statistics in Computational Biology
14:00-14:40 - Keynote: Veridical data science for biomedical research: discovering predictable and stable non-linear interactions through iRF and epiTree
Bin Yu, UC Berkeley
14:40-15:05 - Deconvolution of DNA damage and repair contributions to the mutational landscape of cancer
Teresa Przytycka, NIH
15:05-15:30 - Exploiting the geometry of Correspondence Analysis: Association Plots and biclustering
Martin Vingron, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics
15:30-15:55 - Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression and metastasis
Christina Curtis, Stanford University
15:55-16:20 - Genomics and AI for immuno-oncology drug discovery
X. Shirley Liu, GV20 Therapeutics
16:20-16:40 - Coffee Break
16:40-18:30 - Poster session
Friday, May 20th, 2022
8:00-9:00 - Breakfast
9:00–12:20 - Session 3: Algorithms in Computational Biology
9:00-09:40 - Keynote: Utilizing multi-omics, biological networks and medical records to understand cancer
Ron Shamir, Tel Aviv University
9:40-10:05 - Detecting COVID-19 with genomic sequencing: from bench to vending machine
Eleazar Eskin, UCLA
10:05-10:30 - New methods to characterize VNTR variation in human genomes
Mark Chaisson, USC
10:30-10:50 - Break
10:50-11:15 - Design for inference: the power of random experiments in biology
Aviv Regev, Genentech and Broad Institute (on Zoom)
11:15-11:40 - Toward complete genome assemblies using multiplex de Bruijn graphs
Pavel Pevzner, UCSD
11:40-12:05 - Learning protein-DNA recognition codes using structural mappings
Mona Singh, Princeton University
12:05-12:30 - Reconstructing somatic evolution from multiomic data
Russell Schwartz, Carnegie Mellon University
12:30-14:00 - Lunch break
14:00–17:05 - Session 4: Systems Biology
14:00-14:40 - Keynote: How genomes encode time
Michael Levine, Princeton University
15:05-15:30 - Modeling the dynamics of cell fate decision-making in single cells
Adam MacLean, USC
14:40-15:05 - Upscaling stochastic dynamics in non-linear systems
Naomi Levine, USC
15:30-15:50 - Coffee Break
15:50-16:30 - Keynote: TBA
Bonnie Berger, MIT
16:30-16:55 - On some open combinatorial problems in computational molecular biology
Lior Pachter, Caltech
16:55-17:20 - The limits of inference from phylogenetic trees
Matt Pennell, USC and UBC
18:00 - Reception, Town & Gown
19:00 - Banquet Dinner, Town & Gown
Remo Rohs, QCB Department Chair
Dinner Remarks
Charles Zukoski, USC Provost
Ming Hsieh, Fulgent Genetics and USC Trustee
Simon Tavaré, Columbia University and USC
Michael Waterman, USC
Saturday, May 21st, 2022
8:00-9:00 - Breakfast
9:00–12:20 - Session 5: Population Genetics and Evolutionary Genomics
9:00-09:40 - Keynote: Modeling and simulation of cancer evolution in single cells
Simon Tavaré, Columbia University and USC
9:40-10:05 - On the number of genealogical ancestors tracing to the source groups of an admixed population
Jazlyn Mooney, USC
10:05-10:30 - Recursive coalescent computations for multi-species gene genealogies
Noah Rosenberg, Stanford University
10:30-10:50 - Coffee Break
10:50-11:15 - Alignment: it's not only about sequences
Susan Holmes, Stanford University (on Zoom)
11:15-11:40 - Opening black boxes: enhancing statistical rigor in genomics data science
Jingyi Jessica Li, UCLA
11:40-12:05 - Revisiting power in case-control association studies as a function of the case fraction
Michael ‘Doc’ Edge, USC
12:05-12:30 - Scalable, fast, and statistically consistent species tree estimation addressing both ILS and GDL
Tandy Warnow, UIUC
12:30-14:00 - Lunch break
14:00-14:25 - Back to discrete - in biology, math and AI
Serafim Batzoglou, Seer Inc.
14:24-14:50 - Count statistics for inferring gene-gene interactions and disease-drug associations
Haiyan Huang, UC Berkeley
14:50-5:15 - Characterizing the brain regulatory grammar at a single-cell resolution to highlight disease-driving genetic
and epigenetic dysregulations
Jing Zhang, UC Irvine
15:15-15:40 - Topological data analysis (TDA) and logic on omics data
Laxmi Parida, IBM
15:40-15:45 - Organization Committee, Closing Remarks, Adjourn
Fengzhu Sun, Conference Chair